Why Have My Hair Extensions Turned Pink?

Hair extensions are a popular way to add length, volume, and style to your hair. However, discolouration is a common issue that many extension wearers face.

In this informative article, we will explore the causes of discolouration in hair extensions, particularly the phenomenon of pink extensions, and offer practical solutions to prevent and treat the issue.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction 
  • What Causes Discolouration in Hair Extensions? 
  • Why Do Hair Extensions Turn Pink? 
  • How to Recognize the Signs of Discoloured Hair Extensions 
  • Factors Contributing to Discolouration 
  • Preventing Discolouration 
  • Treating Discoloured Hair Extensions 
  • How to Properly Care for Your Hair Extensions 
  • The Role of Hair Extension Quality in Discolouration 
  • Conclusion 


The use of hair extensions is a popular option for adding instant length, volume, and style to your hair.

However, one issue that many extension wearers face is discolouration, which can be quite frustrating, especially when the extensions were a significant investment.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explain the causes of discolouration in hair extensions, particularly the issue of pink extensions, and provide practical solutions for preventing and treating the problem.

What Causes Discolouration in Hair Extensions? 

Discolouration can occur in hair extensions for various reasons. One primary cause is the chemical reaction between the hair extension pigment and various environmental factors or products used on the hair. This reaction can alter the hair extension's original colour, resulting in discolouration.

Extensions are more delicate than natural hair, as they are no longer connected to the scalp and do not benefit from the protective natural oils our body produces. This lack of protection makes them more susceptible to damage and colour changes, including discolouration.

So, what can cause hair extensions to turn pink? Let's find out.

Why Do Hair Extensions Turn Pink? 

The primary reason behind pink extensions is a chemical reaction between the hair dye used in the extensions and certain environmental factors or products.

For instance, when sunscreen, hairspray, or moisturizer containing UV stabilizers is used near the scalp area containing extensions, the UV stabilizers can cause discolouration in human hair extensions.

These products are designed to protect our skin from the sun's harmful rays, but they can have an undesired effect on hair extensions, causing them to take on a pink or peach hue.

How to Recognize the Signs of Discoloured Hair Extensions 

Recognizing the signs of discolouration in your hair extensions is vital to addressing the issue promptly and preventing further damage.

Watch out for the following signs:

Pink or purple hues: If you notice pink or purple shades on the tips or throughout your hair extensions, this is a strong indication of discolouration.

Uneven colour: Discolouration can also present as uneven colour throughout the extensions, with some areas appearing lighter or more vibrant than others.

Fading: If your hair extensions seem to be gradually losing their original colour, this may be a sign of discolouration.

By keeping a close eye on your extensions and identifying these signs early, you can take steps to prevent further discolouration and maintain the beauty and longevity of your extensions.

Factors Contributing to Discolouration

Several factors can contribute to the discolouration of hair extensions. These include:

Hard water or high mineral content: Hard water, which contains high levels of minerals such as calcium and magnesium, can cause hair extension discolouration.

UV exposure: Exposure to UV rays from the sun or tanning beds can cause hair extensions to lighten and change colour.

Chemical sunscreen: Many sunscreens contain ingredients that can cause a chemical reaction with hair extensions, resulting in discolouration.


Saltwater: Exposure to saltwater can strip hair extensions of their colour, causing them to become dry and discoloured.

Chlorine: Chlorine, commonly found in swimming pools, can cause hair extension colour to change, ranging from bright green to pink.

Understanding these factors can help you take the necessary precautions to prevent discolouration and keep your hair extensions looking their best.

Preventing Discolouration 

Preventing discolouration in your hair extensions involves taking several precautions to minimize the risk of exposure to the factors mentioned above.

Follow these tips to protect your extensions:

Avoid direct contact with chemicals: When using sunscreen, hairspray, or other products containing chemicals, avoid applying them directly to your hair extensions.

Use UV protection for hair: Look for hair care products specifically designed to provide UV protection for your hair, and apply them to your extensions to shield them from sun damage.

Rinse hair after swimming: After swimming in a pool or the ocean, rinse your hair thoroughly to remove any chlorine or saltwater residue.

Use a clarifying shampoo: Regularly use a clarifying shampoo to remove any product buildup that could contribute to discolouration.

Minimize heat styling: Excessive heat styling can damage your hair extensions, making them more susceptible to discolouration. Limit your use of heat tools and always use a heat protectant.


Treating Discoloured Hair Extensions
If discolouration has already occurred, it's essential to address the issue promptly and professionally.
Disclaimer: We advise the following steps to be performed by a professional hair stylist


Do not panic and avoid using toner: Panicking and attempting to correct the issue with toner can cause further damage.

Wash the extensions: Use a deep cleansing shampoo to wash the discoloured hair extensions.

Apply a colour correction treatment: A professional hair stylist should apply a colour correction treatment, such as Malibu C CPR Treatment, and develop it under heat for up to 45 minutes.

Repeat if necessary: If discolouration persists after the first treatment, the stylist may need to repeat the process

Apply a repair treatment: After the colour correction treatment, the stylist should apply a repairing treatment like Malibu C Miracle Repair and develop it under heat for 5 minutes.

Use a leave-in conditioner and heat protector: Finish the treatment by applying a moisturizing leave-in conditioner and heat protector to the hair extensions.

Style as usual: Once the extensions have been treated and protected, you can style them as desired.

How to Properly Care for Your Hair Extensions

Proper care is essential for maintaining the health, beauty, and longevity of your hair extensions.

Follow these guidelines to keep your extensions in top condition:

Wash and condition: Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner specifically formulated for extensions to keep them clean and moisturized.

Detangle: Gently detangle your hair extensions with a brush designed for extensions, working from the ends upward.

Avoid excessive heat styling: Limit your use of heat tools and always use a heat protectant to prevent damage and discolouration.

Sleep with care: Wear your hair in a loose braid or wrap it in a silk or satin scarf while sleeping to prevent tangles and friction.

Schedule regular maintenance appointments: Visit your hair stylist for regular maintenance appointments to ensure your extensions remain secure and in good condition.


The Role of Hair Extension Quality in Discolouration 


The quality of your hair extensions can play a significant role in their susceptibility to discolouration. Higher-quality extensions, made from 100% human hair, are less likely to experience discolouration than lower-quality options. When investing in hair extensions, it's essential to select a reputable brand and consult with a professional hair stylist to ensure the best results.




Discolouration in hair extensions can be frustrating, particularly when they turn pink.

However, by understanding the causes of discolouration and taking preventative measures, you can protect your extensions and keep them looking their best.

If discolouration does occur, seeking professional assistance from a hair stylist is crucial to ensure proper treatment and avoid further damage. With proper care and attention, you can enjoy beautiful, vibrant hair extensions for a long time.


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